Thames | Waihi | Paeroa | Whangamata
Driving Lessons & Defensive Driving Courses with Gavin Buchanan
THAMES starts February 18, WAIHI TBA
DRIVING courses
Local Driving Instructor, Gavin Buchanan offers various driver training courses for all ages in the Thames / Coromandel / Hauraki area.
We run community courses regularly in Thames.
Join one of community courses in Thames, Waihi, Whangamata or elsewhere by arrangement for a school or group booking. All ages welcome!
Defensive Driving helps you learn to drive more safely with group class sessions held over two weeks (two nights per week) and a personal one hour in- car session.
For people going through the graduated licensed system, this will mean you can get your Full licence six months sooner. However, people of all ages and those who have been driving for some time are most welcome to attend.
Our Learner Licence can be run for your group on demand, on your site to suit your needs by arrangement for a school, or any other group booking etc.
The course is a two day intensive group course covering all aspects of the road code. There are 350 possible questions in the Learner Licence test and we help you to understand all of these and give you lots of practice. The actual test is 35 multiple choice questions where you must get a minimum of 32 questions correct to pass.
On day three, you do the Learner Licence test at your local AA. For those with difficulty with reading, you’re welcome to ask for a reader from AA to be arranged in advance
Our Learner Licence courses has a high rate of successful students passing their Learners.
Please contact us to customise a theory and/or practical driving course to your organisation or school’s specific needs.
Thames Driver Training Learner Licence course in progress at Coromandel