Thames | Waihi | Paeroa | Whangamata
Driving Lessons & Defensive Driving Courses with Gavin Buchanan
THAMES starts February 18, WAIHI TBA
illness or Covid
Current 29.05.24 - subject to change in case of future pandemic
Your driving Instructor, Gavin Buchanan, is fully vaccinated and boosted for Covid and has an annual flu vaccination as well.
Senior Driving Coaching has resumed.
You are most welcome to wear a face mask in this close setting and your instructor is very comfortable to wear a face mask as well if you prefer. We carry a supply of new surgical masks and hand sanitiser.
If you have Covid or are seriously unwell, please reschedule or postpone your lesson as soon as possible to avoid being charged for your lesson.

As a result of Covid-19, we have introduced kaupapa (protocols) to help protect you and ourselves from any potential cross infection, prior to and during our lesson.
We will continue with a high level of sanitation and hygiene in-car between each client, including not having lessons with unwell people for your continued safety and ours.
If you want to do a driving test, please book online with Waka Kotahi/NZTA here https://online.nzta.govt.nz/licence-test
It can be hard to get a time for a test right now, so we suggest you check back in daily to look for new times due to cancellations, or even to bring an already booked test date forward. If you no longer need your booked test date for some reason, please cancel it online so someone else can book their test.
We offer practice driving tests which can be booked online with us, but for your actual test, you need to book with NZTA/Waka Kotahi.
See this page for more handy tips https://vtnz.co.nz/getting-your-licence/car-licence/